Adopted 9/12/2017 (revised 9/15/2023)


It has been determined, by the MYAS Board of Directors, that having multiple Youth Sport Organizations (YSOs) servicing the same geographic area is a recipe for confusion among athletes, parents, coaches, facility providers, potential sponsors, etc. Therefore, the MYAS has adopted the policy that we will recognize only one YSO in any given geographic area. We believe that there has already been a precedent set by several governing bodies, such as the Minnesota Hockey and Little League Baseball. For example, both organizations restrict membership based on geographics and/or population.


1)    This policy is specifically relative to our community based youth basketball and baseball leagues and/or tournaments. This policy is NOT in effect for our spring/summer/fall basketball programs or for our fall/winter baseball leagues and/or tournaments. Note: The MYAS in-season leagues and tournaments are specifically designed for community or school team participation, while the off-season leagues and tournaments are designed for statewide player eligibility. Therefore, clubs and individual teams are encouraged to participate in our off-season program offerings.

2)    Whenever the MYAS encounters a situation where two (or more) YSOs are attempting to function within the same geographic area, the MYAS will interview those YSOs to see which entity best serves the needs of the population within that same geographic area. The MYAS staff will make their selection and any appeals to their decision can be made to the respective MYAS sport board of advisors.

3)    Once a specific organization has been selected to serve their designated geographic area, they will be required to continue to meet the basic YSO guidelines that the MYAS has published for both the sports of basketball and baseball. In other words, the selected YSO needs to continuously earn the right to be the designated YSO for their particular sport in their specific geographic area. Any significant action or inaction may result in the MYAS recognizing a different YSO to provide those services to that specific geographic area.


1)    Common Areas: It is NOT uncommon for some “community-based” YSOs and some “school-based” YSOs to share some common service area. If neither YSO has a problem with sharing those common service areas, the MYAS will not have a problem with that situation either. In those instances, the athletes living or going to school in those common areas would have their choice of participating with either of the YSOs that are providing similar services to their specific geographic area.

2)    Two exceptions to the above policy would be the Minneapolis and St. Paul Youth Basketball and Baseball organizations. . The sheer size (geographic and population) of those communities dictate that their infrastructure allows for multiple YSOs to serve the populations of those communities.

Note: Any unique or unforeseen situations will be ruled upon by the MYAS Board of Directors.



1)    YSOs must be perpetual in nature, meaning the YSO must intend to exist today, next year and for many years to come. The MYAS will not recognize any “one-year wonders.”

2)    YSOs must coordinate multiple teams. In other words, the MYAS will not recognize any YSO that is basically a “one-team wonder.” YSOs are encouraged to run multiple grade- or age-determined teams and are encouraged to coordinate A, B and C level travel teams for the sport of basketball and AAA, AA and A level teams for baseball. In regards to in-house or rec level programs, it is possible that the MYAS might recognize more than one YSO for in-house or rec level programs within the same geographic area, such as a park and rec or school program that is operating within any specific geographic area that is already being served by a specific city- or school-based YSO for their respective travel programs.

3)    YSOs must operate as a democratic organizations, meaning that they must have bylaws befitting of a nonprofit youth organization, free election of officers, open tryouts for travel teams, an open coach selection process, and open forums for parent input.

4)    YSOs must agree to operate within their specific geographic boundaries. In other words, YSOs should NOT be actively recruiting athletes from outside their stated boundaries.

5)    YSOs must provide some sort of quality education and evaluation system for their coaches.

6)    It is mandatory that all YSOs, located within the boundaries of Minnesota, verify that all of their coaches (and officials) have been concussion certified. Note: This is current state law in Minnesota.

7)    For the purpose of in-season baseball and/or basketball, EVERY city and EVERY high school attendance area has the right and authority to be represented by their own YSO, even if they share a common geographic area with an existing YSO.

8)    Split Family Rule: In situations involving “split families,” the athlete may participate with the association closest to the mother’s or the father’s residence.

9)    On an annual basis, athletes must try out and compete with the travel association within the community where they reside or for the school that they attend. If an athlete has been cut or restricted from their home association, they may try out and participate with the next nearest recognized bordering association. The terminology of “next nearest” means going to the next nearest YSO that is located north, west, east or south of the community or school where the athlete resides or attends school. Athletes that use this option should get a written release or waiver form from their home YSO. This release/waiver form should be attached to the roster of the player in question.

10)  For safety purposes, it is highly recommended that all YSOs perform a national background check on any of their adult coaches, volunteer administrators and game officials. It is also recommended that each YSO provide some sort of first-aid training AND provide first-aid supplies to each of its coaches.


This is a “living” document which may require additions, deletions or modifications as deemed reasonable by the MYAS Board of Directors.


Please note that there are some differences in our MYAS Baseball and MYAS Basketball eligibility rules.  We suggest that you visit the MYAS website to review the published baseball and basketball eligibility rules for each sport.  When in doubt, please do not hesitate to reach out to an MYAS staff member.