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Coaching Beyond the Game: What We’re Really Teaching Our Young Athletes

By MYAS Staff, 06/01/24, 8:00AM CDT


While there is no denying that youth sports improve physical fitness, they also have surprising benefits for kids’ mental health and resilience.

While there is no denying that youth sports improve physical fitness, they also have surprising benefits for kids’ mental health and resilience.


Mental toughness is about staying positive and self-reliant during life’s challenges. It’s like Yogi Berra once said – “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over”. 


Team sports teach kids the value of both self-reliance and working as a team. The motivation and sportsmanship children develop through sports carry throughout their lives and help them navigate difficult situations at school, work and beyond.


Let’s examine a few of the life lessons youth sports provide in greater detail.




One of the best mental toughness quotes comes from none other than Tigger: “Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.”


Team sports teach kids to enjoy the ride, even when their efforts don’t get them the outcome they were hoping for. For example, most kids would rather win a game than lose, but losing teaches them how to bounce back quickly, and stay positive and gracious in the face of defeat. Your child’s sports coach may refer to this trait as sportsmanship but as they grow it will be recognized as genuine humility by future colleagues, employers and friends.


Flexibility serves kids long after they are done with team sports. They will learn to bounce back quickly and try again without taking things too personally. Life will throw them plenty of curveballs, and the mental skills they develop will serve them well long after they step off the diamond. 




Another one of the best mental toughness quotes comes from the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell: “Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought into focus.”


Being a good athlete and team player takes focus both on and off the court or field. Naturally, kids must learn how to focus on training schedules and manage their time outside of practice – school, work, chores, and all. With the help of an inspiring coach, your child can learn how to get “in the zone” in all areas of life, from competing in a tournament to studying for finals.




Vince Lombardi once said: “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” This may be one of our favorite mental toughness quotes yet.


One way that youth sports teach determination is through goal setting. Kids learn how to set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound), achieving them through hard work and the encouragement of their mentors and teammates.


The best sports coaches will teach kids to set goals and follow through with them. You will be amazed at what your child can accomplish with the right support and determination.


MYAS: Building Mentally Strong Young Athletes


Youth sports teach kids so much more than the rules of the game: they build determination, focus, flexibility, and dozens of other life skills that instill confidence and mental strength.

To discover character-building youth sports opportunities near you, contact MYAS today. We look forward to helping your child succeed on and off the field.